Monthly Saturday Coffee Mornings
For a good number of years, the third Saturday morning of each month has been Coffee Morning at St Saviour's. It serve two purposes, firstly, and most importantly, to offer a time for the church family and village to meet in a happy and welcoming atmosphere. Secondly it raises funds for the upkeep of our beautiful church building. All prizes, cakes and items for sale are donated.
During the Coffee Mornings, the church is open for private prayer.
Our friendly volunteer team serve visitors at table. Recently we have been glad to welcome a number of visitors attracted by our welcome board and banner.
Each Saturday tends to have a theme for items for sale on its stall and there is the regular Cake Stall, very popular, and a raffle, always with an abundance of prizes.
Come and join us any third Saturday 10.00am - 12noon. You will be very welcome